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15 Tips on How to Think Positive

Positive thinking can help you realise success and happiness easier than negative thinking. Not to mention that having a positive outlook can make you stand out from a crowd and/or help you bounce back quicker from tragedies.

It is a given fact that we all face difficulties at some point in our lives. But this does not mean that we must dwell on them and constantly feeling down.

The best way to keep going is to maintain an uplifting attitude to deal with the tragedy's aftermath. Simply put, having a positive outlook in life helps solve problems while moving on.

Some people may think that always thinking positively is difficult. Of course, doing so come naturally for some, but not others. Still, the tips below should help you on how to think and maintain a positive mood.

Tips On How To Think Positively

1. Always smile

Smiling at yourself in the mirror will lift your spirit quickly as well as reduce your stress.

2. Reward yourself from time to time

Give yourself a compliment, flowers or small reward when you achieve something no matter how little it is. If material things are not for you, then try exploring something new or visiting a place you haven't been to in a long time like a local museum.

These little awards help you feel good about yourself. It is a way to show your appreciation to yourself. Remember, you can't have a positive attitude if you do not feel good about yourself.

3. Stop whining!

Whining is a reflection of your negativities that are put into words. It'll bring you down and, perhaps, other people around you.

In terms of the Law of Attraction, you are vibrating your negative energy to others and the universe when complaining. And the Law of Attraction will attract the same type of energy to you.

This could come in the form of other people who are constant complainers becoming part of your life. They'll complain with you and, eventually, keep complaining about other things. You don't want that.

4. Appreciation

Be thankful for everything you have right now. It is also a good idea to thank other people for everything they do for you no matter how big or small.

Sincere admiration and heartfelt appreciation not only make people who receive them feel happy but also make you realize your significance and presence. Doing so cleanse away negativities from your mind.

If you put these acts using the principles of the Law of Attraction, appreciation and admiration of others vibrate positive energy to the universe. These acts will draw the same energy back to you.

5. Surround yourself with positive people

Talking to positive people help tune our mood. We can absorb and study the way they think. Eventually, we will become positive, too.

6. Stay away from negative people

Negative thought is contagious. When we hang out with negative people, we gradually absorb it. Sooner than we realize, we will find ourselves a negative person too.

7. Read motivational quotes!

Reading motivational and inspiring quotes help to stop us from going down the negative lane. Whenever negativity arises, grasp a book or read a motivational quote we like the most.

Or use your tablet or smartphone and read inspirational quotes on Pinterest. It helps.

8. Help others

Helping other people benefits you as well because it makes you feel better about yourself, thus lifting your mood.

9. Bless others and wish them well

When we bless someone or wish them well from our heart, we automatically create a positive feeling and kindness from within. So in terms of the Law of Attraction, we vibrate favorable energy to the universe. And by that, you are sending a signal to the universe that you want blessing too.

10. Stop thinking negative

Start meditating once negative thoughts occurs. When you realize you're having a negative thought, ask yourself whether what you think is real.

Ask whether those thoughts are healthy and make you feel happy. Ask what could be gained from holding on to negativity. As opposed to what could be gained from letting it go and be positive instead.

11. Be careful before asking yourself 'why?'

Asking 'Why' is good when you need to find the source of conflict or find a solution. However, asking 'why' to find fault or to create conflict and negativity is not healthy at all.

Hence, be aware before asking why. If it is for a good cause, do it.

If not, then don't. Try asking yourself a different question like "Why do we expect everything and everyone be as we expected?", "Are we being self-centered?", "Should we think less of what we want and start accepting things the way they are?".

12. Go for a walk or exercise to lift your mind

Your mind has an impact on your body and vice versa. So when you feel down, use your body to uplift your spirit.

Exercise or a simple walk is a great way to light up your mood and generate healthy energy for your body and mind. Yoga, running or biking work as well.

13. Meditation

Practice meditation for at least 15 minutes a day. It helps you feel peace and balance.

There are plenty of meditation techniques out there, including Zen, Yoga, Taoist and Mindfulness. Anyone of these will help balance you as you go through your day.

If you're trying to get something done and keep getting distracted, try the visualization techniques for the Law of Attraction. It helps calm your mind, focus you and achieve your goals.

14. Change your attitude

Given the same scenario, two people may have different opinions toward the situation. For example, when encountering difficulties, a positive person may see it as an opportunity to get better.

The negative person may view it as a setback. So whenever facing troubles, try seeing them as a challenge, or an opportunity to develop your skill to overcome this problem.

To quote a favorite a movie, 'The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.' - Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean.

15. Start your sentence with 'At least'

When life has been unkind to you in any way, it is wise to look at the positive side of the situation by using 'at least.' For example, when you fail something, you could say to yourself 'At least I tried my best.'

When you lose your job, you can say to yourself 'At least I still have good health and now the new opportunity to explore my potential.' By looking at the positive aspect of any situations, you will see more opportunity and can gain more from the situation than staying negative.

In conclusion, try practicing these secrets as often as you can until it becomes your habit. The Law of Attraction will start working on you. You will find your life changing in a positive way and start seeing how the universe is responding to your every wish like a miracle.

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15 Tips on How to Think Positive -- 1) Always smile ... READ MORE15 Tips on How to Think Positivie -- 2) Reward yourself from time to time ... READ MORE15 Tips on How to Think Positive -- 3) Stop whining! ..READ MORE..